

University Medical Center New Orleans Transitions to ZulaFly for RTLS Software Deployment

August 15, 2019
3 minutes
By Stephanie Andersen

ZulaFly, a leading provider of patient workflow, staff safety, asset management, and environmental monitoring technologies, today announced University Medical Center New Orleans is using the company’s Asset Management and Staff Safety solutions, with plans to expand to other use cases.

University Medical Center New Orleans is optimizing the Asset Management solution to reduce the amount of money spent replacing equipment and hours spent checking supply closet counts, and to provide an efficient method for staff to quickly call for assistance.

University Medical Center New Orleans will be tagging approximately 4,000 pieces of equipment throughout five buildings, so staff can spend less time searching, and more time providing care. “Out of the gate, the hospital was able to see quick wins by helping staff quickly locate equipment close to them, so that they no longer needed to spend time searching.  The Pharmacy department was also able to locate all of the crash carts easily to ensure they were equipped with all of the equipment that is needed and that the expiration date had not passed” stated Stephanie Andersen of ZulaFly.

Using ZulaFly’s PAR Level application will allow University Medical Center New Orleans to know when supply closets need to be restocked, when dirty supply closets are full and aide in maximizing the equipment that is on hand.

University Medical Center New Orleans also plans to use ZulaFly’s rental dashboard in the future to easily locate where rental equipment is, if it’s still being used or can be returned, saving money on rental equipment not being returned in a timely fashion.

By providing the staff with RTLS staff badges, ZulaFly can notify anyone, anywhere, via any communication device, that a staff member needs assistance, and the staff member’s location. University Medical Center New Orleans is taking advantage of unlimited escalations when an alert is sent, this way staff can be assured it will continue to alert until responded to.

About ZulaFly

ZulaFly is an industry-leading software and platform solution that collects data from any disparate system and presents this data in a customizable, unified dashboard user interface. The company’s software solution, Fuzion, provides Workflow, Patient/Resident Locating, Asset Management, Environmental Monitoring, Staff Locating/Safety, and Mobility across multiple campuses in a cloud-hosted environment or on-site implementation. Real-time and historical reports are available, along with a robust rules engine that can notify anyone, anywhere. Fuzion creates numerous advantages in workflow and efficiency for professionals in many healthcare facilities, such as Acute Care, Senior Living, and Clinics.

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