How much data does your business gather over the course of a business day? How much of that data are you using in a detailed, meaningful way?
The primary purpose of ZulaFly’s Fuzion software is to make use of real-time locating system (RTLS), RFID, BLE, and any disparate system data to be a real-time data gathering system.
The strength of Fuzion’s software goes a step further in allowing you to view multiple segments of information through one dashboard, as well as track, view, store, and archive that material.
I have all this data, now what do I do with it?
Through Fuzion, ZulaFly empowers you to gain fresh knowledge and strategy from your gathered data, instead of simply gathering it and stashing it. Whether you’re looking for a historical perspective or are seeking real-time, in-the-now information, Fuzion has been developed with intention to keep all your information organized. It’s never been easier to stay up to speed on everything from Fuzion’s location-based data to additional critical statistics being tracked through other systems that is being pulled into the all-inclusive software program.
In a sense, you could call it intentional aggregation.
The ultimate advantage lies in Fuzion’s capability to analyze, report on, provide trends, and send notifications allowing businesses to easily digest critical information. And once again, this data can be pulled in from multiple, disparate sources, creating maximum efficiency as you seek your next competitive edge.
Always up and running
In a world full of clunky tracking mechanisms and hit-and-miss software solutions, Fuzion is a turnkey system that consistently churns out results. The platform is built to make critical information available from anywhere. Since it’s cloud hosted, accessibility is possible from any web app. The native mobile app provides another view of the data tailored to the device.
Because of its versatility, Fuzion creates multiple benefits across a wide variety of industries. At the same time, one consistent convenience remains: Because it’s cloud hosted, it relieves your IT team’s burden of maintaining additional hardware while ensuring you’re always running on the latest and greatest technology.
Are you getting the most out of your data? Can you access it from virtually any device? Are you able to run reports, make real-time decisions, and see valuable flashbacks of what your business is doing and where your assets are going? It’s time to get down to business with ZulaFly’s Fuzion technology, built for intentional aggregation.