Wander Management

Enterprise Solutions

Wander Management

Enterprise-class software capable of locating patients and residents with real-time location monitoring, tamper detection, and custom workflows.
ZulaFly's Wander Management

Protect High-Risk Patients and Residents

Connect Location Data with Third-Party Apps


In busy healthcare and senior care settings, patient safety is a top priority. ZulaFly’s wander management solution provides a comprehensive software to monitor, report and manage patient movement, ensuring:

  • Enable immediate response to wandering events
  • Enhanced patient and resident safety and security
  • Enterprise reporting and analytics

Wandering Risks

  • Patients wandering unsupervised can lead to dangerous situations

  • Staff need to quickly respond to potential egress events

Our Solution

  • Real-time alerts for unauthorized location changes
  • Automated lockdown procedures for doors and elevators
  • Location-based information
  • Live map views with real-time updates
  • Customizable settings for patient access points


ZulaFly’s wander management solution offers a comprehensive software suite to monitor, report, and manage patient and resident movement effectively.