Each year, there are numerous technological investments large organizations make in the name of improving the bottom line and growing the business. How does an investment in Real-Time Locating System (RTLS) help achieve this goal?
When analyzing the benefits for RTLS, those in leadership can sometimes struggle to connect the dots in regard to HOW the technology takes an organization to unprecedented heights. Looking for reasons that win over a crew of skeptical captains? Here are nine proven ways RTLS proves to be worthy of the investment.
Save valuable time for your staff.
Are you hearing complaints from staff or managers that people are squandering entirely too much time looking for equipment that they need now?
Eliminate frustration and boost the efficiency and workflow of team members with the help of RTLS. Not only will team members feel the difference, but perceptive customers will sense less aggravation and more concentration from staff members.
Avoid costly spoilage of food or medication in fridges and freezers.
Do you still rely on a pen/paper temperature monitoring system, or a system that staff needs to login and check the temperature to make sure everything is in range?
What happens if someone forgets to check? What if something is out of range over a weekend and no one is there to check it? Do you have a way to know how long it’s actually been out of range? These are questions that bring unique, problematic angles to a business that depends on temperature reading to be within range to ensure things like food and medication are constantly kept at the appropriate temperature. RTLS, with real-time alerts to all appropriate individuals, eliminates the doubt.
Provide maximum safety for patients and residents in a healthcare setting.
Are you hoping that a patient or resident that should not be in an elevator, stairwell or walking out the front door, doesn’t make it that far?
In senior living facilities, nursing homes, and memory care units, confused patients and residents can frequently find themselves mistakenly wandering away from safety and toward danger. These facilities are one tragic misstep away from being embroiled in a public relations nightmare. RTLS ensures residents are always within a safe zone, keeping both staff members and loved ones at ease.
Keep the workplace/facility calm, quiet, and responsive.
Does your team frequently get caught scrambling to call for help with a walkie talkie, raising their voice, or trying to page someone... and it’s costing too much time?
The faster your team can respond to important situations, the more you eliminate the damage done in an urgent scenario. Additionally, making subtle calls for help keep others around you from being distracted, making for a more focused environment.
Save money by greatly reducing instances of theft.
Are you spending entirely too much of your operating budget buying new or the same equipment year after year, simply because you can’t find it or it’s possibly walked out the door?
Valuable equipment often has a way of finding a path out the doors of your facility to never return. Whether it’s employee theft, checked-out items that don’t make it back, or other instances where equipment and supplies are being stolen by visitors, RTLS keeps important valuables where they belong while reducing replacement costs that can wreak havoc on your balance sheet.
Reduce turnover.
Do you have high turnover because staff don’t feel like you’re providing them a safe and efficient work environment?
Losing employees can create an abundance of strain on everyone involved. Management spends more time looking for staff and employees get caught working in understaffed conditions. Meanwhile, overall morale dips. It can be a vicious cycle, one that RTLS knows how to stop in its tracks. We need to speak to how RTLS is helping turnover: we provide a staff safety solution, ability to find assets quicker, can easily locate patients/residents and other staff members without spending time searching….
Ensure healthcare patients/residents are being properly cared for by staff.
Do you have the data to show family members that their loved one is being cared for in a timely manner? Wouldn’t it be great to provide reports of the activities or therapy they have received throughout their stay, as well as the amount of the time spent with caregivers?
Whether you’re in a senior living or acute care environment, this is a critical issue. Don’t wait for the patient or resident to voice concerns to family members over the level of care they receive. RTLS allows you take a proactive approach, generating data that positions your organization as one that truly holds to your commitment of top-notch patient/resident care.
Eliminate late rental equipment returns.
Is rental equipment sitting on a shelf or in a hallway for months after it’s been used because someone forgot to return it, so you have continued to pay to rent or pay penalties on that piece of equipment?
Save money! This is the battle cry of RTLS technology, which provides the alerts necessary to ensure rentals don’t get stashed, forgotten, and menacingly emerge as a financial burden.
In hospital and clinic settings, ensure your patients aren’t waiting excessively long.
Do you know how much time your patients are spending in your facility from the time they register until the time they leave? Are you able to analyze bottlenecks in the patient workflow allowing you to see more patients in the same amount of time and provide a higher rate of patient satisfaction?
Nobody likes to wait. Especially when it comes to their health. In clinic and hospital settings, establishing a reputation as a caring and efficient organization that is quick and attentive to patient care creates an inevitable scenario of customer satisfaction and return business. Want to position yourself as the premier acute care provider in your area? Taking advantage of RTLS technology can be a game-changer when it comes to offering responsive, second-to-none service at any healthcare setting.