
Limiting the spread of infectious disease continues to be one of the greatest challenges in a hospital, clinic, and senior living facility. In settings where residents, patients, and staff come in contact with others, minimizing the spread of COVID-19, along with variants of COVID-19, continues to be a significant focus for everyone worldwide.
With the number of COVID cases on the rise and growing daily, there are still a number of outstanding questions. How are facilities handling infection control? How much time is spent preventing the spread of dangerous germs? Are infection-control decisions being made based on data, or are you running off assumptions more than anything else? Regardless of the answer to these questions, understanding interaction times after testing positive becomes extremely important.
What tools does ZulaFly have to ensure interactions can quickly be identified and spread minimized?
Know Who Has Been Where in Your Hospital, Clinic or Senior Living Facility
ZulaFly’s contact history report shows you any tagged person or asset that has come in contact with an infected person. It also tells you where they were and how long they were in contact. This type of information, when gathered in a timely manner, provides invaluable insight that can help cut back or eliminate further spread of infection. No longer are you left to postulate or predict who has been exposed directly to a resident and/or patient or staff member, or whether certain staff members may have been in close contact with an infected patient and/or resident within a specific period of time.
The relationship between staff and residents and/or patients in a healthcare setting is built squarely on trust. One way to strengthen this trust is to implement a tagging and locating system that provides the type of infection-control detail that keeps everyone as healthy as possible. When patient and/or resident health and safety is maximized, healthcare facilities thrive in ways they simply can’t when efficiency is dulled by time-consuming reactions to infection control.
It’s worth noting that while technology such as ZulaFly is prevalent in all aspects of the healthcare industry, there are additional sectors, such as Education, where this functionality is also useful. Understanding air quality and identifying factors of COVID that are now present in the air, can help administration make better decisions within our school systems. Knowing where someone has been, for how long, and who else they have been in contact with can ultimately create value to numerous other industries.
It’s time to be proactive and keep your healthcare operation, and all organizations, running at its peak. The data-packed advantages of ZulaFly keeps patients and residents healthy, and staff working efficiently.