
If you have wondered what the value of RTLS real-time and historical reports are when you already have access to some of this information through your existing nurse call system, then you are not alone.
As the acronym RTLS implies, real-time locating systems do indeed provide real-time and historical reports within seconds, of interactions and movements throughout the entire facility of anyone or anything with a tag. This in turn provides data-rich analytics that provides valuable insight into not only helping staff save time and provide better care but also when making operational decisions.
Along with the Low Battery, Missing Devices, Response Time, and Audit Reports, ZulaFly has a number of easy-to-use ‘location history’ reports that provide additional insight into interactions anywhere in the facility regarding contact tracing and patient time with caregivers. Having real-time access to historical information is also a huge bonus when a potential issue needs to be investigated immediately.
Examples of other RTLS applications easily installed with nurse call systems that further enhance the use of the existing infrastructure are Asset Management, Hand Hygiene and Staff Rounding. By utilizing the same RTLS infrastructure, equipment can now be tagged so that staff can quickly find items that are needed and have the ability to run asset historical reports for equipment reimbursement. Hand Hygiene provides real-time access to historical compliance reports, and real-time dashboards provide patient room rounding status.
In some cases, ZulaFly is relied upon for ‘presence’ reporting when standard reports are not available quickly to help to assist with troubleshooting. ZulaFly locating reports also can provide a level of simplicity by selecting a location, or the person or asset that has a tag, to view location information. While some nurse call solutions do provide a ‘presence’ report, it may not provide complete details. For example, if three staff members enter the room at the same time, two leave after 2 minutes and then then third staff member leaves after 10 minutes, it may show all three staff members were in the room for 10minutes. If your facility provides sitters for patients, it can become more convoluted. Patient rooms with sitters that are badged, will appear to have staff in the room nearly 100% of the time, which can lead to misrepresentation of individual ‘presence’ reports. Because ‘presence’ reports are based on these calculations, the time in room statistics can become flawed. ZulaFly’s Items/People in Location Report provides all individual details necessary for this scenario in an easy-to-follow format.
The power of ZulaFly reports when combined with existing nurse call reports, provide invaluable information to not only the staff providing care, but to administration making business decisions as well. Contact us for more information.